Community Trauma First Aid

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Serious Bleeding

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3 min 45 sec
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Managing Serious Bleeding: Complications and Treatment

Understanding Different Types of Bleeding

When dealing with serious bleeding, it's crucial to recognize the various types of bleeding and their implications.

  • Capillary Bleeding: Occurs at the skin's surface, often resulting in minor but persistent bleeding.
  • Venous Bleeding: Involves bleeding from veins, characterized by a steady flow and increased risk of infection.
  • Arterial Bleeding: High-pressure bleeding from arteries, potentially leading to rapid blood loss and life-threatening situations.

Factors Affecting Bleed Management

Several factors influence how serious bleeding should be addressed, requiring careful consideration during treatment.

  • Wound Characteristics: Assess the wound's size, depth, location, and type of bleeding (capillary, venous, or arterial).
  • Presence of Foreign Objects: Check for embedded objects and determine if the wound is clean or contaminated.

Immediate Treatment Protocol

Swift and appropriate action is essential to control bleeding and prevent further complications.

  • Elevation: Elevate the affected limb to reduce blood flow, as gravity assists in stemming bleeding.
  • Compression: Apply direct pressure to the wound site to staunch bleeding and promote clotting.
  • Assessment and Bandaging: Evaluate the wound size and select an appropriately sized compression bandage to cover the wound adequately.

Managing Persistent Bleeding

If initial measures fail to stop bleeding, reassess the wound and consider alternative strategies.

  • Multiple Bandages: Apply additional bandages if the initial one fails to control bleeding, but reassess if multiple bandages are ineffective.
  • Reevaluation: If bleeding persists despite multiple bandages, remove all bandages and reevaluate the wound for alternative interventions.


Effective management of serious bleeding involves prompt assessment, appropriate intervention, and vigilant monitoring to mitigate complications and ensure optimal patient outcomes.

Learning Outcomes:
  • IPOSi Unit three LO3.1, 3.2, 3.3 & 3.4